How useful are Vitamins?
Let’s talk about what vitamins are and how useful they are. Vitamins are organic compounds essential for your body to grow and stay healthy. Simply put, this means that vitamins are natural chemicals. Of the essential vitamins, there are 13 important ones, and a deficiency in any of them can mean that you are deficient in a particular vitamin. There are two types of vitamins, fat-soluble and water-soluble. The primary vitamins, A, D, E, and K, are soluble in fat, while Vitamins B and C are water-soluble. Water-soluble vitamins cannot be stored in the body and should be supplemented regularly.
Overall, a well-balanced diet should provide the body with the vitamins it needs, but if the diet isn’t perfectly balanced, you’ll need to supplement the vitamins you’re receiving in your diet. This indicates that vitamin supplements may help. In addition, some of the clues below may suggest that you may need help with your vitamin intake.
Vitamin B12 is found in meat, so vegetarians need to be careful. Vitamins C and B may be deficient in the elderly. People who work night shifts may lack vitamin D because your body produces it during the hours of sunlight. People who are overworked, under pressure, or suffering from stress may be deficient in vitamins B and C. People on a diet may also be deficient in these two vitamins. Vitamin B can be scarce in heavy drinkers, and vitamin C deficiency can be a problem for heavy smokers and drinkers.
The usual way to get vitamins into the body is by oral administration. Some vitamins, such as vitamin B12, can be taken by injection, but this must be done only by a fully qualified medical professional. When taking vitamins orally, you need to go through the digestive system. Strong stomach acids can destroy much of the usefulness of vitamins, so you must ensure you are taking the recommended dose.
Vitamin supplements can be used to boost any deficiency, and extra vitamins are most easily obtained (and used) in the form of tablets. Vitamin tablets are either multivitamin or single vitamin types. Of course, unless your doctor advises you to take vitamin supplements, choosing what to take is up to you. For example, vitamin C is often taken during and before winter. This has been shown to help keep colds away.
You only need to take vitamins to complement a balanced diet and don’t overdo it. Therefore, take moderate vitamin supplements. Take only what you need and do not take more. If your diet is appropriate, you may not need vitamin supplements. Remember that, as the name implies, they are dietary supplements and are not intended to replace a balanced diet. Be wise and be careful with vitamin supplements.