Health Supplements Antioxidants and the FDA
The Food and Drug Administration understands that people may not be eating properly. Therefore, they have listed consumer recommendations for supplements, especially those with antioxidant properties. The simple fact is that the human body cannot function properly without antioxidants. The FDA recognizes that the lack of antioxidants in a person’s diet can harm their health. They also recognize that dietary supplements come to the rescue of many people.
Most people, even those with a healthy diet, do not get the adequate amount of vitamins and minerals they need daily. For example, suppose the human body lacks the proper nutrients, including antioxidants (foods containing vitamins C and E and beta-carotene and selenium). In that case, the immune system is not as strong as it should be. This means that standard or even severe illnesses can occur.
Antioxidants protect against free radicals. Instead, free radicals should be seen as dangerous deformed enemies trying to hurt us. Free radicals are actually mutated oxygen molecules. They are “mutated” by pollution, the sun, and other dangers. When free radicals are free to roam in the human body, they attach to the cell wall and begin to change cells. Cellular changes can cause premature aging and even cancer.
Health supplements like Resveracin are soldiers who protect us from external hostile forces. Resveracin is a combination of supernutrients. This “superhero” is specially designed to provide the human body with today’s world-class free radical scavenger hunters. It should be noted that Whole Foods can never be replaced by anything. But in today’s processed food world, adding supplements like Resveracin to the diet is the only surefire way to quickly get antioxidants on hand to prevent early illnesses and signs of aging.
Only in the last few years has the importance of antioxidants been communicated to the general public. Education from cancer and illness organizations has led many to buy dietary supplements for themselves and their families. People are beginning to realize that the body has a robust defense system if it gets enough antioxidants through a healthy diet and supplements. The fact that antioxidants slow down the aging process is an additional benefit. So does it make sense to ensure you’re getting all the necessary nutrients?
The Food and Drug Administration understands that people may not be eating properly. Therefore, they have listed consumer recommendations for supplements, especially those with antioxidant properties.