About Us.
Weightloss-specialist.com website that offers information related to assisting you in making healthy eating choices. The site is updated regularly to include newly suggested information about ways to assist you to stay healthy.
Weightloss-specialist.com was launched in 2010.
The materials found on this website are not intended to be used for the diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or as a substitute for consulting a licensed health professional. Thank you for visiting Weightloss-specialist.com!
Link to Weightloss-specialist.com: We do allow people/organizations to link to Weightloss-specialist.com as it is in the public domain. You may link to the Weightloss-specialist.com website without prior permission provided.
External Website Review Criteria:
Potential website links will be evaluated and selected using a review process. Reviews will be conducted by subject matter experts. To be considered for Weightloss-specialist.com, websites must align with all of the specifications listed below. All domains will be evaluated prior to inclusion on the website.
- Content – Website content must be presented in an objective, unbiased manner and be consistent with current science and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. It should align with each of the content guidelines listed below:
- Scope: The subject matter of the site should focus on food, nutrition, physical activity, health supplements, or food safety.
- Author/Source: The author should be clearly stated, credentialed, and reputable. The source of the information on the website should be appropriately referenced and verifiable.
- Timeliness: The website should present current information. Current information includes resources that have been published within the past five years. Some exceptions may apply and are based on the reviewer’s discretion.
- Uniqueness: The content should bring new or different perspectives, tools, or resources to the content already available on Weightloss-specialist.com.
- Accessibility: Clear and relevant headings and search functionality make the content easily accessible to website users.
- Audience – Material should be geared towards and written for consumers, using plain language and health literacy principles.
- Site Mechanics
- Navigation: It should be easy to find information on the site. Headings should be clear and relevant to the information under them.
- Searchability: The site should have search capability that produces accurate results (unless it is a very small site or the link will be to a specific document).
- Contact Information: Contact information must be available for communication with the owner of the site (i.e. comments section, email address, mailing address, telephone number).
- Personal Information: If the user’s personal information is requested, the site should explain exactly how the information will and will not be used. The privacy policy should be clearly visible.
- Advertisements, Products, and Services – The goal of Weightloss-specialist.com is to connect consumers with credible nutrition information that is consistent with current science and the most recent edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Education must be the primary intent.
- Additional Features
- Graphics and Layout: Graphics, illustrations, and other multimedia designs should enhance the site and load within a reasonable length of time. They should not distract the user or substitute for content.
- Software and Hardware: The site should incorporate appropriate use of graphics, audio, and/or video. If the use of special plug-ins or programs is required they must be available on the site with clear and easy instructions.